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How can we help you? In conjunction with Clean Energy Consultants and Stroma Energy, we specify and install a range of renewable energy solutions, saving you money whilst you save the planet

Solar PV - Photo Voltaic panels convert sunlight into free electricity, saving you money on your electricity bill and earning you money from the Feed In Tariff

Solar Thermal - Solar Thermal panels produce free hot water, saving you money on your energy bill

Wind Turbines - Wind turbines convert wind power into free electricity, saving you money on your electricty bill and earning you money from the Feed In Tariff

Biomass Boilers - Biomass boilers use renewable timber converted into pellets for heating and hot water, saving you money on your energy bill, particularly if you use oil or LPG, and earning you money from the Renewable Heat Incentive (where applicable)

Feed In Tariff (FIT) This is a government endorsed incentive scheme which runs for 20 years from installation and is index linked throughout that period

Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) This is a government endorsed incentive scheme

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